Direct access Research units

The team Antiviral Reactions and Effector Mechanisms is interested in restriction mechanisms, which help to counter viral replication in infected cells. Insects, with more than a million known species, or 60% of animal species, represent an untapped resource of antiviral genes, the study of which could reveal weak points in the cycle of many viruses belonging to families whose members infect both invertebrates and vertebrates.

In order to identify new antiviral genes, the team is exploiting the evolutionarily conserved STING signaling pathway. The projects carried out by the team (around 10-15 members) aim to :

  • identify and characterize the receptor(s) that activate(s) the STING pathway
  • decipher how STING regulates transcription factors of the NF-kB family
  • screen the genes induced by this pathway in different species of insects for new antiviral factors in order to characterize them

Involved in several international collaborations, the team also has a branch within the Sino-French Hoffmann Institute for Immunology at Guangzhou Medical University in China, where J.-L. Imler is visiting professor.

Investissements d'avenir
Logo ANR

Logo NetRNA