Direct access Research units

CNRS Strasbourg (France)

The CNRS research department “Insects Models of Innate Immunity” invites applications for a group leader position. Applicants must have a strong record of scientific accomplishments in innate immunity or host-pathogen interactions, preferentially in non-mammalian models. We are looking for candidates who will bring new lines of research to the department (evolution, regulation of gene expression, metabolism, bioinformatics, etc…) and willing to work collaboratively with existing groups in the NetRNA LabEx network (

The department “Insects Models of Innate Immunity” performs cutting edge basic research on insect-pathogen interactions, focusing on the fruit-fly Drosophila as well as vector mosquitoes Anopheles and Aedes ( It is located in the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology (IBMC) on the central campus of the University of Strasbourg, France. IBMC offers an excellent research environment, with state-of-the-art facilities and infrastructure for proteomics, genomics, cell imaging and an insectarium dedicated to studies in infectiology with BSL3 containment. Our department participates in the NetRNA consortium, which offers an attractive start-up package that includes salary and research support for 3-5 years.

Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, a summary of research accomplishments (1-2 pages), a summary of future research plans (1-2 pages) and contact information for three professional references. Applications in the form of a single pdf document, or any question regarding the position, should be sent to

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