Mini-Symposium : Arboviruses, olfaction an immunity
9h00 – 9h20 Pr Joao TRINDADE MARQUES, IBMC Strasbourg, France
9h20 – 10h00 Dr Ben MATTHEWS, University of British Columbia, Dept Zoology, Canada
“Thirsting for blood an hunting for water : Genetics and neurobiology of mosquito behaviour”
10h00 – 10h40 Dr Tiana MUKHERJEE , Institute for Stem cell science and regenerative medicine, India
“To smell the immune system”
10h40 – 11h20h Dr Mario RECKER, University of Exeter, UK
“Modelling arboviral disease epidemiology”
Ce séminaire aura lieu le jeudi 6 juin 2023 à 9h
IPCB – Amphi VLES, IPCB, Campus Esplanade Strasbourg
Organisation : Pr Joao TRINDADE MARQUES