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Shcherbakov D, Teo Y, Boukari H, Cortes-Sanchon A, Mantovani M, Osinnii I, Moore J, Juskeviciene R, Brilkova M, Duscha S, Kumar H S, Laczko E, Rehrauer H, Westhof E, Akbergenov R, Böttger E C

Ribosomal mistranslation leads to silencing of the unfolded protein response and increased mitochondrial biogenesis Article de journal

Dans: Commun Biol, vol. 2, p. 381, 2019, ISBN: 31637312.

Résumé | Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: Protein folding Protein transport Transcriptomics, Unité ARN, WESTHOF