Direct access Research units

Post-doctoral fellow in structural biology and biochemistry

Fixed-term contract,Researcher
Send your Application before :
March 8, 2022
Offer published on :
February 15, 2022
Offer published until :
March 8, 2022

We are looking for a motivated post-doctoral researcher to participate in a research program (36-months contract) which will be conducted between the team “Viral ribonucleoproteins, incorporation of the genome and assembly” at UPR9002 CNRS (IBMC) and the “Chromatin stability and DNA mobility” team at UMR 7104 CNRS-U 1258 Inserm (IGBMC). The research project consists in obtaining the structure of the Pr55Gag precursor of HIV-1 in association with the genomic RNA fragment containing all the signals necessary for the specific encapsidation of the genome (Psi) by cryo-EM and X-ray crystallography. We also plan to obtain the structure of the Pr55Gag-Psi complex in the presence of the cellular and viral ligands of the p6 domain of Pr55Gag by the same methods.

To apply, go to the CNRS job portal.

Documents to accompany your application

CV, cover letter directly on the CNRS portal

Contact information


Link to the offer

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